October 16, 2024

Almost every woman knows how long it takes to apply makeup every morning. And what nerves cost force majeure situations when in the morning you can not hear the alarm clock in time. So you have to feel unsure of yourself during the whole working day – isn’t it an unpleasant situation!

Eyeliner Tattoo

Modern cosmetology has come up with a great way to save women without troublesome morning minutes and nerves – it is a procedure for applying permanent makeup or, in other words, tattooing eyeliner.

Once women have used the permanent makeup procedure, they remainerents for many years. After all, feeling dutiful and well-groomed at any time of day. W is excellent permanent eyeliner; you can afford to stay in bed longer in the morning, and confidence in your appearance will move you to any feat during the working day.

What is Eyeliner Tattooing?

It is a permanent makeup performed by injecting a colouring pigment into the upper layers of the eyelid skin. Thus, you get a cosmetic drawing that will last for several years. And you can also make a temporary tattoo eyelids henna – it will last from two to six weeks.

The procedure is performed for the following purposes:

  • emphasise or highlight facial features;
  • imitate makeup
  • to improve the shape of the eyes;
  • to correct scars or pigment spots.

Permanent eyeliner dye is entirely harmless, so permanent eye makeup is also resorted to if you are allergic to conventional cosmetics.

The tattoo needle is skinny, so only a slight tingling sensation is felt during the procedure. If you take an anaesthetic, there will be no discomfort at all.

The procedure of permanent makeup lasts several hours. But it is not so much compared to the time saving on daily makeup application.

Benefits of permanent eye makeup

  • A perfectly even and beautiful eye contour;
  • spectacular appearance;
  • fast period of skin recovery after the procedure;
  • Water resistance – After the implementation of eyeliner, you can forget about the fear of the destructive effect of water on the makeup;
  • perfectly suits women of any age category;
  • Durability on the skin – 4…5 years.

Disadvantages of permanent eyeliner procedures

  • The danger of applying an unsightly pattern that does not fit the shape of your eyes;
  • the possibility of prolonged and painful swelling of the eyelids after the procedure;
  • the chance of getting an infection;
  • the probability of rapid convergence of tattoo colour due to low qualification of the tattoo master, as well as when using low-quality tattoo machines and consumables.

If you approach applying permanent eye makeup competently and balanced, securing the help of a professional tattoo master, the probability of possible deviations will be minimised. In just a few days, you will be able to surprise others with excellent permanent makeup and begin to please yourself with the free time and increased confidence in their irresistibility and attractiveness.

Contraindications of Tattoo eyeliner

It is not recommended to perform the procedure if:

  • There is a fever, or there are signs of acute respiratory infections.
  • Not finished taking antibiotics. It is better to wait two weeks after the end of the medication.
  • Contraindications tattoo eyeliner
  • Acute period of allergy, unrelated to the composition of the introduced pigment (flowering plants, animal hair). It is necessary to discuss the situation with the master.
  • Not finished healing of the skin after barley on the eye.
  • Period of menses.

It is forbidden to do eyelid tattooing in the presence of:

  • Ophthalmological problems (for example, conjunctivitis);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • HIV;
  • colloidal scars;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • allergy to the injected pigment;
  • pregnancy (and during breastfeeding);
  • tendency of the skin to form deep scars;
  • moles close to the eyes.

Types of eyeliner design tattooing

Today, you can find a permanent makeup variant to suit any taste. Modern techniques allow you to create a barely noticeable line in the growth zone of eyelashes, draw a neat arrow or choose more extravagant solutions. The most popular are the following types of cosmetic eyeliner tattooing:

  • eye arrows;
  • inner lash contouring;
  • winged style;
  • coloured.

Cosmetic eyeliner tattoo has advantages and features, allowing you to choose the service for any preference. The key to success in performing the procedure is an experienced master, turning to whom the result will undoubtedly please for years.

Arrows on the eyes

With this technique, the need for eyeliner is eliminated. If the master is experienced, the arrow will be accurate and graceful. Some face types are suitable only for a thin “micro arrow”.

Often, this technique is used together with filling the intercostal space.

Tattoo Eyeliner

Types of tattooing arrows on the eyes:

  • classic;
  • coloured;
  • on the lower eyelid.

They are performed with a special pen manipula. First, the master selects the type of arrow suitable for the shape of the face and eyes. Then, he draws a sketch and introduces pigment.

The size and shape of the arrows are of the following types.

  1. Egyptian style. The line begins near the bridge of the nose, runs along the entire contour of the eyelid, and, at the end, is lifted. Tattoo arrow Egyptian style.
  2. Classic arrow. It stretches from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye, ending with a small tail.
  3. Starts in the middle of the eyelid and ends near the outer corner of the eye.

The most natural are considered arrows of brown colour. But you can do black tattoo eyelids to make the eyes seem brighter; for those who like experiments, draw blue or green arrows.

Interlash tattooing

The most natural-looking permanent makeup is tattoo eyeliner of the interlash space. It visually increases the volume of hair and gives the look expressiveness. Therefore, this technique is also called “the effect of thick eyelashes”.

The master fills the space between the hairs on the eyes by injecting pigment under the skin. After such a procedure, you can not use mascara and eyeliner for several years.

Made inter-eyelash tattoo special pen with paint – manipulate. Sometimes, thin needles are used. A preliminary drawing of the sketch is not required because the colour is introduced under the skin of the eyelids strictly along the line of growth of hairs.

Inter-eyelash tattoos suit owners of light or sparse eyelashes and those who want to save time on daily eye makeup.

Winged eyeliner

The spreading technique is used to make permanent makeup with the “Smokey Ice” effect. A slight “haze” is created on the eyelid above the eyelashes, as if an eye pencil or shadow was applied.

Performed cosmetic eye tattoos with a growing point to regulate the intensity of colour. You can make points at a greater distance; the effect will look as natural as possible. Or place them very densely for a more contrasting result.

Tattooing with eyeliner allows you to correct the shape of the eyes, disguise small expression lines, and hide the overhanging corners of the eyelids. On it, you can apply daytime makeup and not look too pretentious. But efficient looks include inter-eyelid tattooing with eyeliner under evening makeup if you use shimmer and mascara together with it.

Rastushy tattoo – This is the most challenging technique of execution. Therefore, the master who does it must be qualified and experienced.

Coloured eyelid tattoo

It can be performed in different shades. Selected under the colour of the eyes, making them brighter and accentuating.

However, its disadvantage is short-lived. In addition, bright makeup is impractical. It is necessary to choose clothes that match the shade constantly. And also, over time, it can simply get boring.

How eyelid tattooing is done

An appointment with a specialist in permanent eye makeup is as follows.

  • The master meets the client, discusses how the procedure will be done and warns what consequences may occur.
  • A questionnaire is filled out, which includes information about allergies or chronic diseases.
  • The form of eye tattooing and the technique of its execution are discussed.
    A contour is drawn on the eyelids, which should be completely symmetrical.
  • Then, the master makes anaesthesia. Not necessarily in injectable form – special creams and sprays can be used. Anaesthesia for eyelid tattooing is done in a mandatory manner.
  • Sterile needle pigment begins to be introduced strictly along the drawn contour. This process takes 2-3 hours.
    After tattooing, eyelids are treated with healing ointment.
  • In the end, the master gives recommendations on how to care for the place of damage.
  • The time of the entire procedure depends on the specialist’s experience and the work’s complexity and can reach 4-5 hours.

Care after the procedure

Immediately after performing an eyeliner cosmetic tattoo, the master applies a healing ointment to the damaged area. It should be kept on the eyes for several hours and then washed off with water at room temperature.

It would be best to ask the master what to do with ointment eyelids after tattooing. Usually, use “D-Panthenol”. The cream should be applied for a week, several times a day. In this case, the first 2-3 days should be used every 2-3 hours. Before use, the damaged area is treated with an antiseptic. Starting from 4-5 days, the cream is applied only four times daily.

To relieve swelling, cold compresses are used. For example, apply ice wrapped in a soft towel for 10-20 minutes or wear a special gel mask.

What should I not do after eyelid tattooing?

  • Do not visit saunas and baths or do sports for the first two weeks.
  • Do not scratch or rub the skin during healing; do not tear off the crusts.
  • For a fortnight, you can not use eye makeup.

Also, to keep the drawing for several years and not fade over time, it is necessary to wash only with water at room temperature, constantly moisturise the skin of the face, and in summer, use sunscreen with a degree of protection of at least SPF 40.

Eyelid tattoo correction

After applying the tattoo, it is necessary to check its condition regularly. A renewal correction is required if the pigment has discoloured and gaps have formed.

The first time should be recorded and come to the master for correction at the end of the rehabilitation period, about a month after tattooing. This time is necessary to recover the damaged epidermis to avoid more severe traumatisation. Do not do the procedure if capillaries have been affected.

It is better if the correction is carried out by a master who performed permanent makeup, as only he knows his work and can see and correct possible mistakes.

The result obtained can be maintained for 2-3 years, provided proper care and compliance with all recommendations.

However, the period of tattoo wear can be shortened due to the following factors:

  • Too oily skin, which is not able to accept tattooing in full. The result will last on this type of skin only for a year. On dry or normal skin, tattooing lasts longer.
  • Unsaturated colour of the injected pigment. The effect will not last long if you use a pale salad, grey, or purple shade. Short will be the period of wear tattoo and in the case of introduction of pigment of improper quality. In this regard, checking the documents for all materials used in the work is recommended.

Any permanent eyeliner tattoo, regardless of the type, looks spectacular. Its primary disadvantage is the need for rehabilitation, during which care is given to the damaged skin. It is pretty easy to carry out. If you do not adhere to the recommendations, there is a risk of negative consequences.

Whether to do tattooed eyeliner is up to you. However, it is worth preliminarily assessing all the pros and cons and choosing a professional master.

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