October 16, 2024

Eyebrow microblading Melbourne, a semi-permanent treatment to fill in brows, has gained popularity in recent years as a trendy way to achieve fuller eyebrows without daily pencil application.

Eyebrow Microblading Melbourne

If you are interested in getting your brows microbladed, it is important to know that there is a lot to learn about the treatment.

This article will provide information on microblading, including its process, suitable candidates, cost, and duration of results.


Eyebrow microblading Melbourne is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of eyebrows by depositing pigment with a small blade made of tiny needles, creating the illusion of natural-looking brows. The pigment is applied through individual “hair-like” strokes.

The technique involves creating fine, short strokes to achieve the appearance of real hair, contrasting with traditional eyebrow tattooing.

Microblading and eyebrow tattooing differ in longevity, technique, placement, and pigmented ink composition. The blade used in microblading deposits colour into the dermis at a shallower depth of 0.08-0.15 millimetres, allowing for quicker fading than tattooing techniques.

Brow tattoos involve using a rotary machine with a needling device to deposit ink more deeply into the skin as dots or pixels at a depth of 1 millimetre or more. This technique creates a solid, filled-in appearance compared to microblading, which creates negative space between strokes for a more natural look.

The pigment used in microblading maintains its true colour and dissolves within one to two years, whereas brow tattoo ink can fade to a blue or green hue.

Considerations for Microblading Eyebrows

Microblading is a great option for those with patchy or thin brows who have a busy lifestyle or allergies to certain makeup products. It provides a low-maintenance solution for achieving perfect eyebrows.

Microblading is convenient for those looking to save time on their daily makeup routine. Additionally, filling in the brows for a more glamorous look is still an option if desired.

Clients with small pores and normal skin types tend to achieve the best results with microblading. Excessive oil in the skin can cause the strokes to blur, so less oily skin often leads to better outcomes.

It is important to remember that everyone’s skin is unique, so the pigment may not appear the same in every person’s brows. According to an eyebrow specialist and makeup artist, it is crucial to maintain realistic expectations. While some skin may not retain the pigment well, it is worth trying to see how it will turn out. Over time, the strokes will soften and fade, but overall it is preferable to use a pencil.

Microblading may not be suitable for individuals who:

  • Is pregnant or nursing
  • Is undergoing chemotherapy
  • An individual has a pacemaker or significant heart condition.
  • Recently, I underwent an organ transplant.
  • Viruses and diseases.
  • Individuals with skin conditions near the brows, such as eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, and psoriasis, may experience compromised skin texture and surface, potentially affecting the outcome.
  • Allergies may be present in reaction to the metal, pigments, or colours used.
  • Is prone to keloids
  • Uses Accutane
  • Patients should be cautious when taking blood-thinning medications or antibiotics.
  • The individual has large pores and extremely oily skin.
  • Is not yet 18 years old.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of microblading?

A major benefit of microblading is that it simplifies your beauty routine in the morning by addressing issues such as thin, uneven, or patchy brows. It provides a 24/7 framed look that is more symmetrical, and unlike eyebrow tattoos or transplants, microblading is semi-permanent. For many, getting microblading done can be a significant and positive experience.

However, there are some cons to consider with microblading. It can be expensive and painful, with a risk of infection or a reaction to the pigments. Additionally, you may not like the placement of the strokes. Another downside is that you will have to stick with the shape you choose for up to three years.

After the microblading procedure, clients typically have some downtime and often require two appointments. The second appointment, scheduled 6-8 weeks later, includes touch-ups to fill in any patchiness and adjust the brows to be darker and thicker if desired. This touch-up helps ensure the longevity of the new brows, with some clients not needing another touch-up for up to a year, depending on their skin type.

Clients are given a 10-day aftercare plan for their healing process. The eyebrow area may darken the day after the appointment, then soften and peel in either a light dandruff-like manner or patchy chunks. The colour may appear to fade before returning. It is advised to wait one full month for complete healing, but the process varies for each individual based on their skin type.

It is important to note that getting a tattoo is not without risks. It is recommended that you conduct your own research, read reviews of the artist, and examine their previous work before making a booking.

What is the duration of microblading results?

The duration of microblading results typically ranges from one to three years, with variations based on individual factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and skincare products. Clients are advised to schedule annual touch-up appointments to maintain the desired look.

Melbourne Eyebrow Microblading

How Painful Is Microblading?

While pain tolerance varies from person to person, microblading is generally considered a minimally invasive procedure. Clients have the option to use numbing cream or injection anesthesia to manage discomfort during the sessions.

During the procedure, clients often describe the feeling as similar to little ‘cat scratches’ and typically rate it no higher than a four out of ten on the pain scale. Afterwards, your eyebrows may feel like they have a mild sunburn, but this sensation usually fades within 24 hours.

Both caffeine and alcohol can impact your sensitivity, so it is recommended to refrain from consuming these substances 24 hours prior to your appointment for optimal pre-care.

What is the average cost of microblading?

The cost for the treatment may vary depending on the location and the artist’s experience. The typical range is $400 to $900, with touch-ups costing less than the initial treatment.

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