October 16, 2024

Tattoo Removal in Melbourne

Tattoo Removal

The PicoWay is a cutting-edge picosecond laser system that fragments tattoo particles into smaller fragments, enabling the body’s immune system to eliminate them. Following each laser tattoo removal session, the treated area should progressively lighten as the immune system clears the smaller ink fragments away.

At our Melbourne clinic, we employ the PicoWay laser for tattoo removal Melbourne. This laser utilises ultra-short pulse durations and precise wavelengths to enhance the efficiency of the treatment, increase patient comfort, and reduce the likelihood of complications compared to nanosecond (Q-Switch) devices. Consequently, not only will your recovery time between treatments be shorter, but you can also undergo treatments more frequently, leading to the swift disappearance of your tattoo regret.

Your Consultation

A consultation with our amiable staff will ensure you maximise the benefits of your laser removal treatment. By discussing your objectives and motivations for pursuing laser tattoo removal Melbourne, you can assist us in crafting a treatment plan that best suits your requirements. Your specific treatment plan will be influenced by the characteristics, size, and location of your tattoo, as well as your desired outcomes. During your consultation, your practitioner will provide a tailor-made quote for your treatment.

Our laser specialists will guide you through the process to guarantee that you are well-prepared and informed. We adopt a patient-centred approach to instil confidence in your procedure and streamline your tattoo removal journey.

Benefits of Tattoo Removal

While many individuals are content with getting a tattoo, some may reconsider their choice after a few months or years. There are numerous reasons a person might want to lighten or eliminate their tattoos, whether due to subpar work by a tattoo artist, fading or spreading of the tattoo ink over time, the desire to make room for new ink, or in anticipation of plans or events. Some individuals may simply have outgrown their previous decision and no longer wish to keep their tattoos.

If you are dissatisfied with your tattoo, laser tattoo removal treatment can assist in eradicating unwanted ink and breaking down the ink particles to restore your natural skin colour. The advanced PicoWay laser facilitates quicker recovery compared to other lasers. Additionally, the laser can effectively remove green and blue hues, often challenging or impossible to eliminate with other laser tattoo removal machines. With the PicoWay laser, we can precisely remove:

  • Both small and large pieces
  • Tattoos of any shape, size, or colour
  • Bands or rings around the fingers, arms, or legs
  • Intricate designs
  • Words, names, and symbols
  • Entire tattoos or specific sections of tattoos with great accuracy
  • Lighten a tattoo before undergoing cover-up tattoo work

Who is a Good Candidate?

An ideal candidate for this procedure is someone who wishes to fade or remove a permanent tattoo, whether due to unsatisfactory results or a shift in aesthetic preferences. We recommend scheduling a consultation to determine your suitability and the outcomes you can anticipate. We will review various aspects to ensure we can cater to your needs, including:

  • Your health and medical history
  • Your skin tone and condition
  • The size, location, and colour of the tattoo
  • Any previous laser removal treatments
  • Your expectations and goals

One of our experienced practitioners will evaluate these factors and ascertain whether you are a suitable candidate for tattoo laser removal.

How does the PicoWay laser tattoo removal process work?

The PicoWay laser actively targets the ink particles in the dermis. Due to its proper ‘picosecond’ technology, the PicoWay Laser fires 1,000 times faster than nanosecond lasers. This causes a photo-acoustic effect, causing the particle to vibrate and crack or shatter, resulting in much smaller pieces of ink, which macrophages can then consume, the major players in our body’s immune system. Some particles undergo a thermochemical reaction, which causes them to lose their colour.

Thanks to our gold-standard laser machines, we can use various spectral frequencies to treat almost any colour ink on any skin type. Only white ink and ink which ‘glows in the dark’ cannot be treated.

Laser tattoo removal cost

Costs are dependent on the patient and their unique treatment plan. We will need to consider the size and colour of the tattoo and the likely duration of the treatment session. These things can impact the overall cost. For example, coloured inks may require more sessions and longer session times to remove. A large tattoo or one located in difficult areas may also need a more extensive procedure and cost more.

Another factor to consider is the number of treatment sessions to remove the tattoo completely. We will provide a written quote before your treatment.

Laser tattoo removal aftercare

When you leave the clinic, we will inform you how to care for your treated area. There are some general care instructions that you will need to follow, such as:

Apply an icepack for 10 minutes every hour on the day of treatment to the area
Use the post-laser gel, which we will recommend at your initial consultation, whenever you use the icepack and anytime you feel it may assist with minor symptoms.
Use an SFF 30 or better sunscreen on the area for 5 days following treatment.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight for 5 days following treatment. Void hot water on the treated area for 2 days following treatment.
Avoid vigorous exercise for 2 days following treatment.
If your tattoo is on your arm or leg, elevating the tattoo may also help to reduce any swelling.

Risks & complications

After your laser tattoo removal, your skin may have some redness, and the area may feel warm. Swelling and bruising are also common after treatment, especially if your tattoo is large or sensitive. These side effects are expected and should be resolved on their own within a couple of weeks.

Tattoo Removal Melbourne

Severe side effects are rare, such as infection, scarring, or loss of the normal underlying skin colour. Following the post-treatment guidelines will ease recovery and help you avoid any risks. If you are concerned about the effects of your treatment, please contact the clinic, and we will advise you further.

How many tattoo removal treatments will I need?

Many factors will impact the number of treatments you will require. We will consider factors such as the tattoo’s placement, colour, type, size, and age. We encourage anyone considering having a tattoo removed to book with us for a consultation with one of our experienced practitioners.

During the consult, you will have the tattoo removal process explained, and you will receive a signed quote for each treatment prior to your first treatment. The number of sessions required can vary greatly from person to person and is hard to predict prior to undergoing any treatment sessions. Some may require only a handful of treatments, while most require upwards of 8 or more sessions to remove tattoos.


How many sessions will I need for tattoo removal?

The number of sessions necessary for tattoo removal is influenced by various factors, including the tattoo’s placement, colour, type, size, and age. We invite those contemplating tattoo removal to arrange a consultation with our skilled practitioners. The tattoo removal process will be detailed during your consultation, and a personalised quote for each session will be provided before beginning your treatment. The required number of sessions can significantly differ from individual to individual and is challenging to estimate without undergoing initial treatment. Some individuals may see results after just a few treatments, while others may need more than 8 sessions to entirely remove their tattoos.

Selecting the finest tattoo removal clinic in Melbourne

There are numerous reasons one might decide to remove a tattoo, whether due to fading over time, dissatisfaction with the design, or a change in personal taste. Laser tattoo removal offers a reliable and effective solution for eliminating unwanted ink. Choosing a reputable clinic that tailors treatment plans to individual needs and prioritises patient care is crucial. Our Melbourne Clinic employs the latest technology to remove ink and rejuvenate the skin’s appearance safely. For expert advice and a tailored treatment plan, please get in touch with our clinic.



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